Friday, December 11, 2009


Got my annual review recently, not a pretty site. I'm basically in that grey zone between being too bad to not be promoted and too good to not be fired. Not that I'm complaining in this economy, considering the particular industry I'm in is being hit rather hard, and has been all year. Is any job better then no job at all? Acceptance with mediocrity may not fit with today's happy go lucky culture or positive affirmation, but people must realize at some point that there are some that are great and some that are not, with most being somewhere in the middle. If you want to amuse yourself just take any random sampling of any group of people and ask "Do you think yourself better then average?" Doesn't matter the topic, doesn't matter the group...I have a feeling more then 50% will say "yes". I wonder if there are other people out there who realize their lot in life and accept it, or does that fly in the face of the human drive?

Speaking of acceptance...
“We must begin by acknowledging the hard truth: we will not eradicate violent conflicts in our lifetimes,”

Best acceptance speech for a peace prize...ever.


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